Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011


My dearest students…
Salah satu teks yang mudah dibedakan dibandingkan teks lainnya adalah teks review. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kalian pasti pernah denger atau baca resensi buku, film, atau kaset. Nah, dalam bahasa Inggris kalian akan mempelajari juga resensi tersebut, cuma.. namanya diganti jadi review. Mudah kan? Yup.. review teks adalah teks yang membahas mengenai resensi baik buku, film, kaset, dan sebagainya.
Genre: Review
Social function: To criticize an art work or event for a public audience.
Generic structure:
1. Orientation (background information on the text)
2. Evaluation (concluding statement: judgment, opinion, or recommendation. It can consist of more than one.
3. Interpretative Recount (summary of an art works including characters and plot).
4. Evaluative summation: the last opinion consisting the appraisal or the punch line of the art works being criticized.
Language features:
 Focus on specific participants
 Use of adjectives
 Use of long and complex clauses
 Use of metaphor
Reviews are used to summarize, analyze and respond to art works. They may include: movie, TV shows, books, plays, concerts, etc.

2002 Juan Carlos Fresnadillo.
Frederico and Sam are two lucky men, Frederico survived an earthquake and has the power to wrench fortune from those around him: he has the gift, Sam is a survivor of the Jewish holocaust and manages a casino in the middle of a lava desert. One day, Frederico challenges Sam who expels him from paradise, taking his gift from him.
Years later, Frederico thinks that he has found in Tomas, the only survivor of an air accident, the instrument of his vengeance. By teaching him to control fortune, he can use him to return to the casino and challenge the God of fortune. Together they begin a journey of initiation, a succession of ever more strange and difficult tests in which the highest bet is the luck of others; luck, which in this game is captured in a simple photograph. Everything goes well until Sara, a policewoman who survives a car accident which kills her family, becomes obsessed with discovering what is behind these clandestine games in which death and luck become enmeshed. In which only one ca remain intact. This film is really worth watching.
1. The purpose of the text is …..
a. to describe a film
b. to describe how a film is made
c. to inform readers about a good film
d. to entertain readers by telling a story
e. to review a film for a public audience
2. After reading the review, how would you judge this film?
a. Bad
b. Fair
c. Not bad
d. Mediocre
e. Excellent
3. What does the writer suggest to the audience?
a. The film is forgettable
b. They should watch the film
c. They should neglect the film
d. They should make another film
e. The writer should promote the film
The Last Emperor
Don’t go to see Don’t go to see The Last Emperor if you are expecting a history lesson. Bertolucci’s epic about the rise and fall of Pu Yi is hard to follow and confusing at times. But he has done a remarkable job of portraying the Chinese culture, and he has captured China in stunningly beautiful images. There are some touching scenes, as when the young Pu Yi’s nurse is taken from him. Unfortunately, the movie is too long and tends to drag at times.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To present two points of view about an issue
b. To explain the process
c. To analyze and evaluate the creative work
d. To retell past event
e. To report the latest movie
2. What does the writer think about The Last Emperor?
a. Excellent
b. Very good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. Amazing
if you are expecting a history lesson. Bertolucci’s epic about the rise and fall of Pu Yi is hard to follow and confusing at times. But he has done a remarkable job of portraying the Chinese culture, and he has captured China in stunningly beautiful images. There are some touching scenes, as when the young Pu Yi’s nurse is taken from him. Unfortunately, the movie is too long and tends to drag at times.
1. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To present two points of view about an issue
b. To explain the process
c. To analyze and evaluate the creative work
d. To retell past event
e. To report the latest movie
2. What does the writer think about The Last Emperor?
a. Excellent
b. Very good
c. Fair
d. Poor
e. Amazing
Music and Lyrics Movie Review
Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) is a washed-up 80’s pop star who’s been reduced to working the nostalgia circuit at county fairs and amusement parks. The charismatic and talented musician gets a chance at a comeback when reigning diva Cora Corman (Haley Bennett) invites him to write and record a duet with her, but there’s a problem–Alex hasn’t written a song in years, he’s never written lyrics, and he has to come up with a hit in a matter of days, enter Sophie Fisher (Drew Barrymore), Alex’s attractively quirky lady, whose fl air for words strikes a chord with the struggling songwriter. On the rebound from a bad relationship,
Sophie is reluctant to collaborate with anyone, especially commitment-phobe Alex. As their chemistry heats up at the piano and under it, Alex and Sophie will have to face their fears–and the music–if they want to find the love and success they both deserve.
Duration : 96 minutes
Directed by : MARC D. LAWRENCE
Written by : MARC D. LAWRENCE
Production Company : WARNER BROS. PICTURES
Homepage :
Adapted from:
1. What is the function of the review above?
a. to amuse the readers
b. to give information to the readers
c. to entertain the readers
d. to persuade the readers
e. to explain the readers
2. What does the review present?
a. the reviewer’s assessment
b. the reviewer’s speculation
c. the movie’s prediction
d. the movie’s rating
e. the movie’s synopsis
3. What is the genre of the movie based on the review?
a. horror
b. action
c. romantic drama
d. comedy
e. thriller
4. What is the word “quirky” (line 7) closest in meaning to?
a. pretty
b. good looking
c. beautiful
d. eye-catching
e. odd
The story to ‘Kung Fu Panda
The story to ‘Kung Fu Panda’ is nothing really new, but it is told so well as to actually pack an emotional punch. And it never comes off as laughable, which in lesser hands could easily have happened. Speaking of laughs, there are many to be had here as well. ‘Kung Fu Panda’ works on just about every level a family movie can.
The cast features Jack Black as Po the Panda. The furious five, the most feared group of warriors in all of China, consists of Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Roger), Viper (Lucy Liu), and Crane (David Cross). Their master is Shifu (Dustin Hoffman), a fur ball creature who is a legendary teacher of Kung Fu. Escaped from prison and on hi way to claim the Dragon Scroll, which will make him the all powerful Dragon Warrior, is the good gone bad Tai Lung (Ian McShane). But first, he’ll have to muscle his way around 400 pounds of panda to get to it.
‘Kung Fu Panda’ is a damn good time at the movies. This was the movie that Dreamworks Animation so desperately needed after the disappointing ‘Shrek The Third’. With gorgeous animation, spectacular action, a great cast and dramatic weight of an Akira Kurosawa film, Kung Fu Panda is one of the favourite movie of the year.
1. Which of the following quality does not describe the movie?
A. Funny
B. Touching
C. Stunning movie picture
D. Excellent actors
E. Unexciting
2. Shrek The Third is ….
A. as desperate as Kung Fu Panda
B. not produced by Dreamworks
C. not a moving picture
D. not a first-rate movie
E. a brilliant movie
3. The antagonist role of the movie is ….
A. Po
B. Tigress
C. Shifu
D. Tai Lung
E. Viper
4. The phrase ’a full ball creature’ means….
A. An animal who likes to play fur ball
B. A ball-size creature which is hairy
C. An animal with black and white skin
D. An animal who is good at Kung Fu
E. A hairy animal
Cinta (Dian Sastrowardoyo) is a beautiful, smart and confident seventeen year old. Born in a loving family, surrounded by caring and supporting friends. Cinta seems to have everything in the world. She has four best friends, Milly (Sissy Pricillia), Karmen (Adinia Wirasti), Alya (Ladya Cheryl), and Maura(Titi Kamal) who always protect her. She’s also the object of Borne’s affection, the most eligible boyfriend at school.
But things are starting to change when Cinta meets Rangga (Nicholas saputra), a cool and arrogant boy whose presence is never taken into account at school. The unpredictable character of Rangga has disturbed Cinta. It creates a new and unfamiliar sensation which leads Cinta into a new and strange world. The next thing she knows, she has fallen in love with someone who has a very different character and comes from a very different world.
Bit by bit, Cinta starts to change. She becomes a new person, a stranger to her friends and even to herself. She doesn’t understand what has happened, let alone her friends.
1. The purpose of the text is ….
a. to review the film character’s
b. to present two point of view
c. to explain how to do something
d. to retell the past event
e. to inform the true story
2. The whole of the passage is …….
a. coda
b. title
c. evaluation of the work
d. orientation
e. issue
3. What kind of family was she born to ?
a. poor family
b. rich family
c. in a loving family
d. in a good family
e. in a bad family
4. Her in …… who always protect her……. Refers to …..
a. Cinta
b. Maura
c. Karmen
d. Milly
e. Alya
5. What is the meaning of eligible?
a. bad qualification
b. comfortable
c. smart and beautiful
d. suitable, having the right qualification
e. good qualification
Meg Cabot
Harper Collins
Young Adult
ISBN: 0380814021
304 pages
As the hilariously funny tale called The Princess Diaries begins, Mia Thermopolis is just a regular high school freshman at Albert Einstein High School. Well, as regular as you can be when you live in a loft in downtown New York with your flighty artist Mom. And as regular as you can be when your best friend is Lilly, a punky and spunky militant who produces her own TV show.
As readers can guess from the title, this book takes the form of a diary, written by Mia. Over the span of a month, she relates her daily woes and embarrassments in heart breaking detail. As with most teenaged girls, Mia thinks she is hopeless, looks-wise. She’s tall — 5’9″ — and klutzy, and not so gifted in the chest department.
Then there is school. One of Mia’s biggest problems is the fact she is flunking Algebra and, to make matters worse, her Mom has begun dating her teacher. Gross.
In the boy department, the cutest one in school has the locker next to hers, but doesn’t even know Mia exists, even as his snooty girlfriend Lana, a popular cheerleader, torments her. And to top it off, Mia is developing some sort of weird crush on Michael, Lilly’s computer nerd brother.
Then one day, Mia finds out she is a princess. Okay, I know that doesn’t sound bad to most girls, but Mia hates the idea instantly. How does this fairy tale come true? Her father is ruler of the principality of Genovia and since Mia is his only child, she is next in line to the throne. Her dad sends in the big guns to convince Mia that being a princess is what she is meant to do: her formidable grandmother comes to New York to give Mia “Princess Lessons”. And as the word spreads around Albert Einstein High School that Mia is royalty, her life just gets more crazy.
The ending of The Princess Diaries is a twisty one and will leave you joining for more stories of Mia and the rest of her friends.
Reviewed by Jennifer Abbots
Taken from
1. Who wrote The Princess Diaries?
a. Mia Thermapolis
b. Jennifer Abbots
c. Meg Cabot
d. Michael
e. Lilly
2. Who is the main character of the novel?
a. Michael
b. Mia Thermapolis.
c. Jennifer Abbots.
d. Meg Cabot.
e. Albert Einstein.
3. She’s tall–5’9’’-and klutzy, and not so gifted …. How is a klutzy girl?
a. She is a shy girl.
b. She is a tough girl.
c. She is a brave girl.
d. She is a preety girl.
e. She drops things and falls easily.
4. . … Mia is developing some sort of weird crush on Michael, Lilly’s computer nerd brother. A nerd is …
a. someone who is extremely interested in computers
b. someone who is fashionable
c. someone who is charming
d. someone who is nervous
e. Someone who is smart
5. Who is the reviewer of the novel?
a. Meg Cabot.
b. Jennifer Abbots.
c. Mia Thermopolis
d. Albert Einstein.
e. Michael
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
J.K. Rowling
Bloomsbury 1997
ISBN 0747532745
Judging by this first volume, the Harry Potter books are a fine addition to English children’s fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles — ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of place there, but things improve greatly for him when he goes to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry — except that one of the staff is in league with Voldemort.
Part of the attraction of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone comes from the familiar but at the same time exotic setting of an English public school, complete with houses and schoolboy adventures, in which Harry and his friends Ron and Hermione struggle to save the world and win the house cup.
So Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone will be a great Christmas present for kids who haven’t read it yet — and it is a book that adults (at least those without stunted imaginations) can read as well.
A book review by Danny Yee © 2000
1. What is the title of the book being reviewed?
2. Who is the author of the book?
3. Who is the protagonist of the novel?
4. What makes the book attractive?
5. How is the setting of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone?
6. What makes it better?
7. Who is the reviewer of the book?
8. What do you think of the review?

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