Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011


Social function: To present information and opinions about more than one side of an issue (“for” points “against” points)
Generic structure:
1. Opening statement presenting the issue
2. Arguments or evidence for different points of view (pros and cons)
3. Concluding recommendation.
Language features:
 Use of general nouns: alcohol, abortion, smoking, etc.
 Use of relating verbs: is, are, etc.
 Use of thinking verbs: think, feel, hope believe, etc.
 Use of additive connectives: addition, furthermore, besides, etc.
 Use of contrastive connectives: although, even, if, nevertheless, etc.
 Use of causal connectives: because, because of, etc.
 Use of modal auxiliary: must, should, etc.
 Use of adverbial manner: hopefully.
Muslim’s Headscarf
The right to freedom of religion is enshrined in the UN charter and considered by many to be a basic human right. Some religions require special diet, others prayer at specific times. Why should a religious mode of dress receive as much protection as these other aspects of religious freedom?
Many Muslim women view the veil as a means to protect their modesty and privacy. Just as we would not force any women to be seen in public in her underwear if she did not feel comfortable doing so, why should a woman be forced to show her hair if she does not want to? Modesty is a personal judgment call; some are comfortable in the smallest bikini while others prefer a lot more clothing. No one but the woman herself should make that decision.
Muslim women are not the only ones to feel coerced over their mode of dress. Most people are affected by the societal norms surrounding them. Fashion trends could be seen in exactly the same light as religious traditions.
Banning head coverings is only likely to provoke a more extreme reaction among highly religious communities. Framing laws to ban only Islamic forms of dress could be considered an attack on one religion. Feeling under attack could cause the Islamic community to close off into itself. They could set up religious schools where their children can dress as they want them to and not mix with children from other faiths. These effects could never be good for the integration of society and would further the influence of extremists. Internationally, the perceived attack on Islamic values would inflame wider Muslim opinion, feed conspiracy theories and add to the dangerous feeling that there is a clash of civilizations.
Intolerant schools make up problems as an excuse for not allowing Muslims freedom of religious expression. In a multicultural society, students should be aware of the different religious practise and cultural traditions of their classmates, and be taught to understand and respect these. Without such respect, Muslims and other groups with distinctive dress, such as Orthodox Jews and Sikhs, will be driven out of mainstream education and forced to educate their children separately, which will really create divisions and alienation.
Based on the above discussion, the government should not banned Muslim’s headscarf as a part of school or office uniforms.
Adapted from
1. What does the text discuss?
a. Muslim students
b. Muslim boarding school
c. Muslim life
d. Muslim headscarf
e. Muslim community
2. What is Muslim women’s view on the veil?
a. It is an obstacle of their freedom.
b. It is to protect their modesty and privacy.
c. It is a fashion trend among them.
d. They feel being forced to wear it.
e. It is what their parents told them to wear.
3. Paragraph 4 tells us that banning on Muslim headscarf could …
a. arouse social conflict among social communities.
b. maintain solidarity among social communities.
c. provoke a more extreme reaction among highly religious communities
d. teach students social awareness.
e. make Muslim women loose their identity.
4. “Intolerant schools make up problems as an excuse for not allowing Muslims freedom of religious expression” (paragraph 5)
The sentence implies…
a. Muslims freedom of religious expression may cause problems.
b. Many social conflicts arouse because of Muslims freedom of religious expression.
c. Schools should not be tolerant to any freedom of religious expression.
d. Schools are allowed to ban Muslim headscarf because it may cause problems.
e. Schools should not ban Muslims freedom of religious expression on any reason.
5. What does the writer suggest?
a. Schools should not be tolerant to any freedom of religious expression.
b. Students should know various social groups among the society.
c. The government should ban Muslims headscarf because it may arouse conflicts.
d. Muslim’s headscarf as a part of school or office uniforms should not be banned.
e. Schools are allowed to ban Muslim headscarf because it may arouse many problems.
6. The word “veil” in paragraph 2 has similar meaning to …
a. helmet
b. glove
c. headscarf
d. napkin
e. sock
Living in a big city
Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages
On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport, so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting to do and places to see.
For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit the museums, and go to the theater and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a big city is often very expensive.
It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.
1. What is the suitable title of the text above?
a. Living in a big city
b. Advantage of living in a big city
c. Disadvantage of living in a big city
d. The positive effect of living in a big city
e. The danger of living in a big city
2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
a. a choice of public transport
b. living without having a car
c. a lot of interesting things to do
d. a side effect of living in a big city
e. advantages of living in a big city
3. What is the advantage of living in a big city?
a. It is often easy to find work
b. It is not expensive to fulfill daily needs
c. There are not any interesting things to do
d. It is not difficult to find good accommodation
e. There are not noise and pollution affecting people’s life
4. “In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution.” (Paragraph 6)
The underlined word means…
a. eye catching
b. attractive
c. beautiful
d. wonderful
e. lunatic
Balancing High School and Part-Time Work
You have to consider a number of factors when deciding whether or not to get a job. The important thing is to arm yourself with as much information as possible, so you can figure out what choice makes the most sense for you.
If you are considering working part-time, schedule a meeting with your school counselor to discuss this move. Talk to your counsellor about why you want to work and what type of position you’re seeking. Simply explaining your goals to someone else can help you make decisions and figure out your priorities.
Schoolwork, including homework and studying for tests, should always be your top priority. “The activities and courses students choose vary considerably, so it’s important for young people to keep their individual situations clearly in mind,” says Brad MacGowan, director of the Career Centre at Newton North High School in Massachusetts. Further, MacGowan cautions students who do decide to work: “If you are rushing through your assignment or not studying enough for tests because of work, it’s time to cut back or quit and find a less time-consuming job.” He adds, “Students should always let their employers know what their time limits are.” If you are being pressured to work more hours than you can handle, you need to find a new place to work. You also need to make sure that a job won’t prevent you from getting enough rest.
Adapted from:
1. What should a student do first when considering working part time?
a. Schedule a meeting with the employer of the job.
b. Discuss with the school counsellor.
c. Schedule a meeting with the school principal.
d. Discuss with your friends.
e. Schedule a meeting and discuss with the class.
2. What does Brad MacGowan do?
a. Brad MacGowan is a student who takes part time job.
b. Brad MacGowan is the director of the Career Centre at Newton North High School.
c. Brad MacGowan is the school counsellor of Newton North High School in Massachusetts.
d. Brad MacGowan is the employer of some students at Newton North High School.
e. Brad MacGowan is the principal at Newton North High School in Massachusetts.
3. What does the word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
a. student
b. individual situation
c. young people
d. to keep to individual situations clearly in mind
e. to keep to individual situations clearly in mind is important.
4. What does Brad MacGowan suggest when students don’t have enough time to study?
a. Quit and find a less time-consuming job.
b. Talk to the employer.
c. Discuss with the school counsellor.
d. Keep doing both working while studying.
e. Sue the employer for the compensation.
Bus way
Governor Sutiyoso has launched his mass rapid transportation plan. This includes monorail, subway, water transportation, and Busway. Among the public transportation plan, Busway has been put into effect. The air conditioned bus fleet with their special roads have been operated since last year. Now, more routes are being constructed to cover the five mayoralties. In fact, the existence of Busway makes pros and cons.
Some people consider Busway can solve a traffic problem faced by the metropolitan city. Everyday millions of people commute from their houses to their respective work places. This badly needs adequate public transportation. If fifty persons go to their offices by cars, they need fifty cars roaming on the street. This number of cars can be replaced by only one Busway. Consequently, with reduced vehicles the streets are less congested. Therefore, it can decline traffic jams. Apart from reducing traffic jams, Busway easies Jakarta inhabitants to go to their workplace or other destination. For this reason more access on Busway is being accomplished. Other Busway roads have been constructed, such as, Kota-Kalideres and Kota-Pulogadung. This definitely make easier for people who go for recreation to the zoo.
Besides reducing traffic jam and comforting passengers, Busway can minimize air pollution. As stated, Busway can replace other vehicles in a great number. It apparently declines the danger of pollution. Less vehicles means less carbon monoxide coming out from the exhausted fumes. As a result, the residents of Jakarta are less threatened with sickness caused by air pollution. And if Busway administration can manage the public transport well, Busway can create a new icon of Jakarta.
Those who resist the exsistence of Busway argue that instead of solving problem, Busway create a new problem. Busway even makes traffic worse. The Busway line makes the roads narrower. Narrow roads cause passing vehicles to get stuck especially during rush hours. Furthermore, Busway adds up corruption that has become a vicious circle in this country. As reported in a newspaper the purchase of Busway fleet is under corruption suspect. Billions of rupiah are believed to have been put into the city administrator’s pocket. In terms of the expense, Busway fare is also much expensive than an ordinary bus. It costs Rp 3.500,. for one ride, while the common bus only costs Rp 2.000,. With the difference in bus fare, it is likely that passengers prefer to ride ordinary buses.
Apparently, Busway still creates different outlooks among the residents of Jakarta. In spite of all the critics, the governor of Jakarta firmly continues to extend its routes.
1. What does the text discuss?
A. The benefits of Busway
B. The existence of Busway
C. The weakness of Busway
D. People who oppose Busway
E. People who support Busway
2. In paragraph two, people mainly talk about ….
A. Busway is comfortable
B. Taking a public transport is easy
C. Millions of people drive their cars
D. More Busway roads are being constructed
E. Busway benefits the city’s residents
3. What is the argument of people who are against Busway?
A. Busway fare is twice as much as that of ordinary bus
B. Busway pollutes the capital city
C. Busway is not air conditioned
D. Busway is uncomfortable
E. Busway makes roads narrower
4. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. More Busway roads are constructed
B. Busway makes the street less congested
C. The governor is unsure about the development of Busway
D. The city needs sufficient public transportation
E. Busway can replace many cars to transport passengers
5. The underlined word in paragraph 1 means …..
A. dirty
B. smelly
C. slippery
D. polluted
E. crowded
the school’s new rule

Two students were discussing the school’s new rule that all the students must wear a cap and a tie. One of them showed her annoyance. She said that wearing a cap and a tie was only suitable for a flag ceremony. So, she was against the rule. Contrary to the girl’s opinion, the other student was glad with it. He said that he didn’t mind with the new rule because wearing a cap and a tie will make the students look great and like real educated persons. The first student gave the reasons that they would feel uncomfortable and hot. Moreover, the classrooms were not air conditioned. The second said it wasn’t a big problem. He was sure that the students would wear them proudly. They would surely be used to it any way.
1. The two students are discussing ……
a. the facilities in school
b. their homework
c. their uniform
d. their friends
e. their family
2. The boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his school.
Which statement shows his agreement?
a. He was not annoyed
b. He would not obey the rule
c. He didn’t care of the rule
d. He didn’t like wearing a cap and a tie
e. He didn’t mind wearing a cap and a tie
3. The boy believed that all students would ……
a. have a high spirit to study
b. solve their own problems
c. care for their environment
d. follow the new rule
e. feel uncomfortable
4. “One of them showed her annoyance ……” ( line 2)
The underlined word is close in meaning to …..
a. responsibility
b. displeasure
c. agreement
d. applause
e. response
Death penalty
Death penalty for serious criminals has been discussed by our experts. Those who agree say that death penalty will scare the criminals off. However, those who disagree say that it is inhuman not effective and we cannot correct the wrong sentence after the criminals die.
In Switzerland, this penalty does not exist. Most people argue that the possibility of making the wrong decision is always there although it is true that spending life behind the bars is not easy either. Also every person should have a chance for rehabilitation. In this way he or she can start all over again in another life style.
Those argue that there is no use to feed the terrorists in prison with their money. When they get out, they will create a lot of troubles by blackmailing and killing people. So, who says that jails will stop them from being guys?
My own opinion is divided. On the one hand, I want to be humane, and on the other hand, I wonder if those people are worthy of feeling.
1. The text mainly discusses …..
A. The death penalty controversy
B. The punishment in our country
C. The death penalty in Switzerland
D. Those who support death penalty
E. Those who are against death penalty
2. Which of the following is NOT the reason for those who are against death penalty?
A. Death penalty is inhuman
B. Death penalty is on effective
C. There’s possibility of misjudgment
D. It is harder to live behind bars than to die
E. Every person should have a chance for rehabilitation
3. What is the writer opinion about death penalty?
A. He is not able to decide
B. He is against death penalty
C. He agrees with death penalty
D. Death penalty is worthwhile punishment
E. The criminals deserve to receive the benefit of humane feeling
4. “However those who disagree say that it is inhuman, not effective and we can not correct the wrong sentence after the criminals die”. (paragraph 1)
The underlined word can be replaced by ….
A. fine
B. thought
C. command
D. statement
E. punishment
“Should we have printed advertisement?” There are many reasons for people to answer this question. Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than useless junk mail, while other people feel it is an important source of information.
Here are some reasons why we should have ads in newspapers and magazines. One reason is ads give us information about what is available. Looking at ads, we can find out what is on sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping. Another reason is that ads promote business.
1. When shopkeepers compete against each
A. Reasons for printed advertisement
B. Strong views on printed advertisement
C. Advertisement considered as junk mail
D. Advertisement as an important source of information
E. Whether printed advertisement is important or not
2. Why do some people agree that advertisement should be printed?
A. It is easier to find advertisement in a newspaper
B. It can give information what is on sale
C. It can influence people to buy things
D. It might cost a lot of money
E. It is an interesting issue
3. Which of the following is a reason why ads are important to consumers?
A. Ads are only junk mail
B. Ads cost a lot of money
C. Ads make things more expensive
D. Ads make people buy things they don’t need
E. Ads help consumers to know what things are on sale
4. The underlined word is similar to …. (paragraph 3)
A. let
B. have
C. make
D. affect
E. improve
5. The statements in paragraph one is called …..
A. thesis
B. issue
C. argument
D. conclusion
E. suggestion
TV: Pros and Cons

The government has just published a report which suggest that television is partly responsible for the serious increase in crime over the last ten years. The exposure of violence or pornography harmfully effects on children.
Many people who are alive today know what it is like to live in a world without television. Television as we know is only about forty years old. Yet it is so much a part of our lives that it seems as if it had always existed.
Some people think that the years before the invention of television were a better time. They claim that families talked more and did more things together. More books were read. People used their imaginations more fully. People got more outdoor exercises.
But others disagree. They claim that television is a powerful educational tool. It informs us of what is going on in the world, from a famine in Africa to a local politics and fashion. It helps us understand how people live, work, and struggle.
In 1961, Newton Minow, a government official, called prime-time schedules “ a vast wasteland.” Television is credited with being a great teacher, but it is also blamed for the poor reading and writing skills of our population. Television gets praised for helping us understand the people of the world. But it has been accused of helping to destroy family life. Television keeps us informed about the political issues of the day.
Experts will probably continue to argue about television’s value. But everyone agrees that it is one of the most significant inventions of the twentieth century.
1. The writer wants to tell …..
a. the development of television
b. the advantages of television program
c. how television destroys people’s life
d. how television improves people’s knowledge
e. the influence of television on people’s daily life
2. Many people claim that television is a powerful educational tool. From this statement we know that they ….. with the existence of television.
a. love
b. agree
c. prefer
d. satisfy
e. choose
3. Which of the following is good for children in watching TV?
a. The children should watch the violence on TV
b. Children may watch TV whenever they like
c. There shouldn’t be government censorship of TV program
d. Children should spend all their time to watch TV program
e. Children should be accompanied by their parents in watching TV
4. “ ….. what is going on in the world, from famine n Africa …” (Paragraph 4)
The underlined word means lack of ….
a. food
b. water
c. nutrient
d. education
e. entertainment

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